Ask your budtender in-store when you make a purchase or enroll below.
Set up your Customer Wallet in your account.
Let your budtender know you’re part of our program at checkout to earn 1 point for every $1 spent.
200 points = $10 off coupon (5% return for customer)
700 points = $50 off coupon (7.2% return for customer)
1500 points = $120 off coupon (8% return for customer)
Must have a valid Card or ID to receive the discounts.
$5 off coupon on your birthday. Happy Birthday!!!!
Medical patients shopping at rec-only stores: 30% off
NIU or Kishwaukee college students over 21: 10% off
Veterans: 20% off
SSI/SSDI: 10% off
Seniors 65+: 10% off
(Please note discounts do not stack)
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